Motivations // Ephesians 3:16
Today’s verse comes from a beautiful passage in Ephesians that speaks to how we find motivation to act according to what’s best. There are basically two ways to help motivate people to do something, either through incentives or fear. There are pros and cons for each, but generally speaking, people are more motivated to do the right thing if they believe there is a favorable incentive to do so. Honestly, I’ve been surprised in my life to see the things people will do for free food or a t-shirt. But it speaks to the reality that we can be far more motivated to do something for a good incentive as opposed to a fear of punishment. That is a generalization, sure, but I think it points to another tendency in our human nature, which is to be paralyzed by fear. If we think something awful might be on the other side of an opportunity, we can be tentative and cautious out of a fear of failure (check out Jesus’ Parable of the Talents as found in Matthew 25:14-30). The Apostle Paul tapped into this sentiment when he wrote that he prayed the riches God has in store for us may strengthen us from the inside-out while aiming to live for Him. This acknowledges some of the challenges we might confront while finding motivation to endure knowing that what lies on the other side is far better than the struggles in the here-and-now. So, what motivates you the most? How does the promise of eternity in heaven motivate you to do hard things knowing that what you face is nothing compared to the awesomeness that awaits the faithful? May the Lord’s motivation strengthen you from the inside-out so you can be a difference maker in the world right now.