Less of Me and More of You // Matthew 5:3

Today’s verse comes from the start of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in the section known as the Beatitudes. The idea of being poor in spirit might not sound very comforting, but Jesus’ response states that the Kingdom of God belongs to those in such a condition. I love how The Message version paraphrases this verse: “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

Have you found yourself at the end of your proverbial rope? If so, have you found less of yourself and more of God? You might be inclined to worry that God isn’t with you or for you if you’re suffering, but that isn’t the case. The old Footprints in the Sand poem reminds us Jesus carries us when we fear we cannot carry on. It’s been said that God allows suffering so we can see where we end and He begins. Timothy Keller wrote, “God will allow evil only to the degree that it brings about the very opposite of what it intends.” All of these ideas are meant to encourage us to look to God when tough times come, because they help develop our faith and strengthen our resolve (Romans 5:1-5).

Take the hard knocks life throws your way today and see where God is leading you. Look for His rule and see where it takes you. Follow the reflection of John the Baptist to decide in your heart and declare with your mouth that Jesus must increase and I must decrease (John 3:30). Dear Lord, let it be.

May 28
Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App