Jesus Power // 2 Corinthians 12:9
Today’s verse is one of my favorites. It reminds us of how (A) we don’t like the problems we face in life, and (B) how God’s grace is always more than enough. The context for this passage comes as the Apostle Paul revealed how he pled for God to remove a problem for him. God’s response wasn’t to solve Paul’s problem as much as it was to direct his focus…that grace is present and available for everyone supersedes whatever we face. When we feel like we’re at our wits’ end, it’s good to remember we don’t stand under our own power, but by the strength of the Lord. So, if you find yourself struggling with something right now, see what it is God might want you to learn. The most basic lesson might be to find the assurance that He is with you even when it might not feel like it. Take that knowledge and let it turn into His perfect power that comes in and reminds you that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength (Philippians 4:13). Otherwise, you might be inclined to think you have all the power apart from the presence of Jesus. Recognize that, invite Jesus in, and marvel at the Jesus Power He shares with you!