Jesus Is There // Job 19:25
We are just hours away from the New Year. Are you ready? I guess I have mixed feelings about it like I always seem to do. Still, as I reflect, I give thanks to God knowing Jesus is already there, inviting us to come to Him.
Today’s verse from Job 19:25 predates Jesus’ earthly ministry. Like, by a lot. Still, Job knew in his heart of hearts that God lives. The context of today’s verse deals with the suffering Job was enduring. He said he wished that his own words were written and inscribed on stone or in lead. Despite that, he knew that God’s Word endures. Job suffered, yes, but he strived not to allow his life to become embittered. It wasn’t always easy, and yes, there were some times when God had to set him straight. Still, with Job just as is the case for you and me, we know that God longs to write His word into our lives as our lives become part of His story. Consider what we read in Ezekiel 36:26, “And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
God is writing the story of His redemptive work for humanity and you are a part of it. That’s quite a thought, isn’t it? We don’t necessarily know what the new year holds, but we cannot forget that Jesus is already there. He is eager to write the chapters of this next phase in your life. Some will be comedy and others tragedy. Some will be humorous and others horrible. Some will seem mundane while setting up the next part of your development. As He writes, though, know He is doing so not on stone or lead, but in your heart of flesh. Treasure these things in your heart and allow them to propel you forward into 2023 and beyond! Jesus is there. Will you join Him?