Caught & Cast
Today’s verse says a lot in a few words. Let’s take a quick look to garner a deeper understanding of the Apostle Paul’s teaching. He starts by referencing someone caught in a sin. The image here is a fish caught in a net — think of how it might flop and fight but cannot escape. Then he says those who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. The word he used in the original Greek for restore means to mend a net. It is also the same verb referring to a doctor setting a broken bone.
Sin ensnares us. We have great freedom in Christ, but if we take that freedom for granted, we can be caught by that sin. God wants us to gently restore each other to show God’s desire is for restoration, not revenge. Still, there is something else that must be taken into account — those seeking to restore must be careful not to get caught up in temptation, too. That temptation could either be to get ensnared in the same sin net, or to be so judgmentally harsh that restoration becomes difficult if not impossible.
How do you read this verse? Do you identify with the fish caught in the net or the one seeking to help heal and restore? Tread lightly and live gently; otherwise you’ll get caught in temptation or snagged by self-righteousness. It is a balancing act, but herein lies truth that cannot be overlooked: the Holy Spirit is there to help. Allow Spirit to prompt you to help, protect you against temptation, and even if you do fall or fail, to provide the escape and endurance necessary to stand stronger next time (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Have a blessed day!